Monday, June 14, 2010

A year and a month in. . .

It's a year and a month in. O is an absolute joy. Every minute of every day, she is nothing but wonderful.

Right. Wonderful. Every minute of every. . . Cripes. I almost had myself going there.

This is a blog about my kid, myself, and to some extent, my wife. If you're interested in our lives, you are probably a family member or a close friend. If you're neither and you still feel like peeping in, provided you're not creepy, then read on. Please enjoy.

If you're not interested in some stranger's kid's goofball antics, then this probably isn't the blog for you, and you should just move along. Seriously. There's probably something more interesting for you if you click that "Next Blog" button up at the top.

Tonight, I put O to bed by myself. This doesn't sound like a very exciting thing. But if you're a father of a child who breastfeeds only, who hasn't taken a bottle since her third week in the world, and has -- up until now -- had a final nurse right before bed, then you can probably relate.

This. Is. Epic.

She quite happily humored me, allowed me to wash her hands and face, change her diaper and put on her pajamas (Oooooo, it's Pajama Time!). We read a final Boynton book, then she looked at me, pointed to her crib and started to squirm. I got the idea.

And for the first time that I can remember, she was completely awake when I put her in her crib. I got my goodnight kiss, told her I love her, and left the room.

And that was that. Good night. Sleep tight. Don't let the bed bugs bite.

But this is a year and a month in. And I kind of want to start at the beginning. So I will.

But right now, it's my Pajama Time. (Oooooo yes! It's Pajama Time!)